Monday, April 6, 2009

A letter to Jane

While I was looking through my sent mail folder, I found this letter written in November of 2008 and I was shocked to find that I had actually written it to my friend Jane. It was one of those I wrote this? moments...

I think I found it because I had lost sight of the "plan" and Jesus needed to remind me to remain focused this Holy Week.

Again... my computer is dead. I am using Frank's laptop again to check mail and check Carrie's blog and of course Melanie's as well. Mel and I were still stuck in November but I did post finally in April, so I barely lead her by a nose.

Here is my letter to Jane:

Dear Jane:

Thank you for your note. My computer was sent back to the factory, it is very sick. I'll get it back in 5 to 6 weeks. In the meantime, I can only check my mail when Frankie brings his laptop home.

I know that our Lord is working in our lives right now, Jane. Each of us is being stripped of "stuff" and it hurts. But at the same time I have to say I am so honored that God loves us so much. Our hearts are ready for such a time.

For me, I keep losing things. Phone service, cell phone, computer, mental health, job... the list is a growing one. For you is the loss of a husband... the way you knew him for many years. I do believe Jane that in those losses, God is clearing the field of our hearts to plant something very special and eternal.

I also believe that we can plan for a great harvest. Maybe in saved souls, maybe we may never know. I do know that all this pruning is for a wonderful cause and one day, we will stand before God in all His glory and marvel at what this sacrifice purchased for our Beloved.

So smile my friend and thank Him for allowing us to participate so closely with His redemptive plan by allowing us to contribute our weakness, our pain and suffering. God be praised!

Amen and Amen.

I want my God, to love you face to face.